Legend of the Seeker


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で、いろいろな動画を見て、楽しみながら英語を学んでいたのだが、(実際に勉強になっているかは置いておいて・・・)今月頭ぐらいに「Legend of the Seeker」というファンタジー系のアメリカドラマを偶然見かけ、面白そうだと思って見始めた。




FF(ファイナルファンタジー)シリーズが好きな人は絶対にはまるであろう内容である。事実、FFのあるシリーズのストーリーに似ている気がする。実は内容は、Terry Goodkindという人の「真実の剣 (The Sword of Truth)」という書籍にあるシリーズを映像化したものらしい。日本でも日本語化されて販売されている。


で、話が少しずれたが、実はそのLoTSがついに先日Season Finalを迎えた。その前までのエピソードの展開が本当に面白くて、年齢に似合わずその最終回をまだかまだかと首を長くして待っていた。そして数日遅れでアップされるサイトにいよいよアップされたとき、緊張してすぐ見ることが出来ず、次の日落ち着いてから見たほどだ。(ちなみに妻に笑われた。)



ここまで期待させておいてこの終わり方!? という突っ込みどころが満載過ぎな内容で、見終わった後ショックでしばらく動けなかった・・・。結局は多くの人が期待しているようなエンディングだったが、それどころでなく期待を裏切られた気持ちで今日一日モンモンしていた。



I watched this show from the beginning and LOVED all of them (i haven't read any of the books so i'm not comparing it to them) but I must say that I am extremely disappointed in the finale... I thought it would be more to it, and they could easily made it like the first episode and made it a hour and a half or 2 hours long...


いやぁ、それにしてもショックだ。。。まぁSeason 2もやりそうだということでそれに期待するしかないかな。ままたRichardとKahlanが見られることを祈って。

(※ネタバレ注意 *Possible Spoilers*)

The ending was a little bit of a let down. I was hoping for something grander for Rahl. He deserved more. I will contine to watch this amazing show. :) I am happy it got renewed for a second season. Don't let the zealots of the TSoT series turn you away from a great show.

PS- Daniel M.- Maybe you should stop watching if you hate it. Secondly, as for you plot whole. They discussed that IN THE EPISODE. Maybe if you had listened instead of criticizing every tiny detail you would have realized. Thirdly, the show has not been canceled. Idiot. Get a life.

A good ending to the season, despite feeling a bit rushed. With 2 hours to work with, they could have fleshed the story out, and given rahl a grand send-off.

Also, as someone who's read Wizard's First Rule, and watched the series, I have to say that I enjoy them both. If you're looking for a show that is EXACTLY like what you read in the book, what is the point? Why do you want to see something that you've already read about?

If you just go into the show with the mindset to enjoy it as a stand-alone story with the same characters of the books, then you'll be much better off. The show IS good on its own merits. Just like the book.

I loved the episodes because of the excellent character development. The time paradox is an iffy thing, but with most time travel episodes of anything, it is either you love it or hate it. I just felt like it was too abrupt of an ending, and from how it seemed to rush to end, it seems as if they knew they were not going to have another season. I don't know if another season will come up, but the ending of this episode sort of made it seem like the show was ending.

Good episode, I will always be a fan of this show.

1. The season finale needed 2 hrs and not just the normal length. Many season finales run way longer than the usual episodes.

That leads to:

2. Poor exposition at the beginning. Kahlan suddenly accepts Richard and Zedd's explanations. Would have liked a tender moment or two between Richard and Kahlan for him to bring her around to the idea of confessing him. Would also have given enough time to show atleast a half-hearted search by the Mord SIth for Richard and friends rather than just randomly turning up at the nick of time at the exact place where Richard, Kahlan and Zedd were.

3. Would have liked a sexier, younger version of the adult Nicholas "Master" Rahl. The guy who played him in the episode looked like Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now.

4. The Magic of Orden is no more?? The "Chainfire" trilogy has an important place for Orden, but I guess the producers do not plan on the show lasting long enough to go through the entire story arc, so this may just be a minor point.

5. Would have liked it if it was revealed in the end that Darken Rahl was Richard's father. If revealed before Darken Rahl died, there could have been a nice quasi-Oedipan subplot in the show. If revealed at the very end at the cliff by Zedd that would have been a nice cocktease (cliffhanger) to lead into season 2.

6. Was very very happy that Zedd did not cockblock Richard and Kahlan :)

Now of course you may be wondering why I gave 5 stars when I the above issues. It is because Kahlan Amnell was RAVISHING as Queen Rahl. I am absolutely failing to put it into words how much I am in love with Queen Kahlan Rahl :) And the braids!!! And the dresses!!! Bridget Regan, if she is sensible, should stay, with her hair color as black. And if she is worried about the carpet matching the drapes may be she should dye the curtains black too.

Looking forward to the second season. Will pass the time between the two by reading the Sword of Truth books. Am already reading "Temple of the Winds". Frankly the books are NOT that great. The only reason I am slogging through them is Kahlan Amnell and my vision of Bridget Regan as her :)

P.S. To the costume designers: YOU ROCK!!!

P.P.S. Queen Rahl, I love you.

I can see how many people enjoy LoTS- and i can agreee with many of their points- the cast is quite talented, its inventive and oh-so new! However, I, as well as millions of others have read the books written by Terry Goodkind. I expect that not all shows that are "based" upon books can remain true to the book fully, but it is not impossible- the Harry Potter movies were very revelent to the books on which they are based. Having read the books... im not quite so sure what disney/abc is planning on doing with the the many seasons to come- because it's very bloody. Richard's not richard if he's not rippin through some bone and viscera. Not very kid friendly to me.

I have seen so far that they are loosley staying with the book... so loosley that i dont think they should be allowed to actually dirty Goodkind's name. The only things that they are explioting from the books are the few details that really tie the plot (the hole is growing bigger with each episode) , and characters. Some one mentioned that this show was genuis...

listen up kids... heres a definition: somebody with exceptional ability, especially somebody whose intellectual or creative achievements gain worldwide recognition. In my opinion- TERRY GOODKIND and no one else has the right to take credit for his hard sought accomplishments with a master peice like TSoT series.

This show is an absolute rip off of something that has touched the hearts of millions all over the world. These books are so incredible... and it is being made a mockery of. To all of those who are reaging this who feel how i feel... dont let up in trying to get people to go out and actually buy a book. I dont know about you... but TSoT (the sword of truth) series really put truth.. and meaning of my own freedom ( incl. freedom of speech) into closer perspective. People who havent read the books- and was wishing for something more from this series- go and buy the books. Hands down the best purchase you will ever make. Not only will you read them... but you will want to share them with others... like i am now trying to share them with you.

And for all of you who are going to cry about my comparing the book to the show... ill say it once and only once... there is no comparison. You cant even imagine what you are missing out on.

Lets all wish Samuel and Kaitlin that the good sprits will watch over them... and a new season of LoTS will all bring us many, many laguhs... that is all.

It could have been much worse. In my humble opinion, the final showdown against Darken Rahl in Wizard's First Rule was much more spectacular, but this worked pretty well. It was nice to see Cara, and the first glimmers of the friendship between her and Richard.

*Possible Spoilers*

I hope next season will show the rise of Emperor Jagang, The Sisters of the Dark, Richard taking the throne of D'Hara, and Richard's discovery of his war-wizard powers. The first season has mangled a book I love very much, but perhaps future seasons will be more faithful, or a least better written and less episodic.

I'll be here when the next episode arrives.

I watched this show from the beginning and LOVED all of them (i haven't read any of the books so i'm not comparing it to them) but I must say that I am extremely disappointed in the finale... I thought it would be more to it, and they could easily made it like the first episode and made it a hour and a half or 2 hours long...

1. How did Darken Rahl and the Mord'Sith just KNOW where to find them...? Seriously, that totally ruined it from the get go... I mean, why would they do that in the 2nd episode??

2. Why did Darken Rahl attack Kahlan in the future after her attempted murder? Would he be confessed after having sex with a Confessor? or do those neck thingys (idk, Radahan???) prevent that? And if that's the case, why didn't Richard and Kahlan keep one of those around ....? lol i would :)

3. They should have gone into more detail about the magic of the Mord'Sith and the Agiel? Can't Mord'Sith control any form of magic directed at them? Wouldn't these be useful to Kahlan's son if he Confessed them?

Anyway, just annoyed about lack of continuity....